Creative Bytes Studios
Creative Bytes Studios is an interactive technology company that specializes in developing rich and engaging digital experiences. They provide game developers with multi-platform art, code, and design services, develop unique interactive experiences for businesses, and create their own video games. Creative Bytes Studios has a proven track record, the required in-house expertise, and a customer-focused approach that is flexible to meet the unique demands of any project and budget.
Founded 2013, Paul Caporicci, Chief Executive Officer / Project Director and Shawn Jackson, Chief Creative Officer / Art Director
How Has Innovate Niagara Helped You?
Innovate Niagara was critical to the success of our applications for production funding with Canada Media Fund and Ontario Media Development Corporation.
Innovate Niagara was able to provide insight into how to best prepare and answer questions based on their experience of helping other companies with successful applications.
Milestones & Successes To Date
Creative Bytes Studios has assisted both successful independent game developers and major AAA publishers with bringing their games to market. In 2016, Creative Bytes Studios has applied that experience to their own debut game set to release next year for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.
The game is made with Unity and produced with the financial support of Canada Media Fund and Ontario Media Development Corporation.
Being an entrepreneur means...
Running our own business gives us the freedom to choose paths that we are truly passionate about. Along with the privilege of being an entrepreneur, it carries the responsibility to create and sustain jobs.
Being owners of a company gives us the opportunity to become a supportive partner with the community.
Check out Creative Bytes Studio's latest game release: Return to Grace.
How to Become a Client
Complete the Become a Client form online.
We’ll schedule you a meeting with an advisor.
Meet with that advisor to plan your next steps.